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Control Plan for Checking and Managing Pingtung County’s Sand Quarries and Bare Grounds

Abstract A. Detection and trace During the process of the project, we detect the gravel plants along the rivers of Gao-ping, Lao-nong, E-liao, Lin-bian and Dong-gang in Pintong County and have Sixty gravel plants in control—forty-nine operate properly and eleven stop temporally. Among others, the pollution emissions of thirty plants don’t meet the standards of the third-rate (the ideal rate) regulations and thus become the targets for trace and consultation. All the plants in trace take efforts to reduce the pollutions they produce and could comply with the third-rate regulations. Forty-nine gravel plants (from initially twenty-one) become the third-rate. B. Source and regulation The abundant sources of gravels in Pintong County come primarily from the dredging of Gao-ping River and the sand collection of Yuan-tan areas in Kaohsiung County. Gravel heaps are likely to spread dusts around because of wind erosion. In an attempt to advocate the policies of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this project focuses on gravel heaps regulations, including those of short-term (within one month) and long-term (over one month). C. Consultation On the basis of the detection result (four gravel plants are found new, one reopened and one changed its owner), we arrange consultations with these six gravel plants and make plans to help them reduce their pollution emission. Five of them have completed requirements to improve the pollution problems and the last one is in the condition of closedown. D. Roads cleanliness Gravel plants are responsible for the cleanliness of all roads connected to other counties and should keep neat their front road, at least more than 0.2 kilometers in length. The relevant jobs include daily street flushing, road maintenance and regular road sweeping. This year they have assumed the responsibility of the cleanliness of twenty-one roads (20.5 kilometers in length) to nearby counties. E. Mutual communication Seminars are also held to educate the gravel plants owners about how to react when air quality becomes worse. Five communication nets are established and the communicative cell phones of each gravel plants are collected. Therefore, every gravel plant can react properly when the regional environmental protection bureau announce bad air quality. F. Emission and reduction According to the statistics of pollution database that are collected from March to November of 2005, the pollution emission of this year is amount to 2077.34 tones per year (173.1 tones per month) and the pollution reduction rate is 60%. Pollution control apparatuses are largely adopted by those plants which we have consultation with. Therefore, the overall pollution reduction amount goes as 279.34 tones per year.
sandstone field, sandstone field control,